英國皇家郵政 royalmail 世界快遞包裹查詢 單號:RJ 6373 8646
2022/9/15 11:26:29 來源:貨代軟件公司
內容摘要:A delivery was attempted for your item with reference RJ637386460GB in CHINA before 10:47 on 01/04/12.If redelivery or collection is unsuccessful, the item will be returned to the UK該貨品將于12年4月1日10:47之前抵達我國,假如入關不成功,將回來英國,您應該現已收到了吧
A delivery was attempted for your item with reference RJ637386460GB in CHINA before 10:47 on 01/04/12.
If redelivery or collection is unsuccessful, the item will be returned to the UK
http://m.jintingqj.cn/wuliuwenda/14993.html 英國皇家郵政 royalmail 世界快遞包裹查詢 單號:RJ 6373 8646