哪位有物流專業(yè)英語詞匯 要特完全的哦!!!
Capabilities: Broader than core competencies, capabilities
encompasses processes such as order cycle time, customer service, as
well as overall business behavior and culture. Refer to “core
competencies,” “demand-oriented capabilities,” and “supply-oriented
capabilities” in this publication.
Category Management: The management of individual product
categories as strategic business units. Emphasizes profits and sales
for entire product groups rather than individual brands.
C-commerce: “Collaborative commerce”. This involves combining
trading partners to reduce cost through the sharing of logistics
CDL: “Consumer Direct Logistics”. This consists of processing
and fulfillment of consumer orders from a retail store or dedicated
distribution center. Amazon.com and Peapod are two examples of
companies perfecting this channel.
Channel: Business components of a companys supply chain such as
manufacturing support, manufacturing, distribution, and retailing or
direct sales. Product moves from one channel member, with value
being added, to the next channel member until product reaches the
customer. A channel may also be a geographic area or zone wherein
volumes are shipped.
EOS:Electronic order system電子訂購跋涉。不同本質間使用通訊網絡和終端設備以在線聯(lián)合辦法進行訂購作業(yè)與訂購信息交流的跋涉。
MRP:Material requirements planning物料需求方案。一種工業(yè)制作企業(yè)界的物資方案辦理模式。依據產品結構各層次物品的隸屬和數量聯(lián)系,以每個物品為方案方針,以竣工日期為時刻基準倒排方案,按提前期長短差異各個物品下達方案時刻的先后順序。
MRP II:Manufacturing resource planning。制作資源方案。從全體最優(yōu)的視點動身,運用科學的辦法,對企業(yè)的各種制作資源和企業(yè)出產運營各環(huán)節(jié)實施合理有用地方案、安排、操控和洽談,到達既能接連均衡出產,又能最大極限地下降各鐘物品的庫存量,從而進步企業(yè)經濟效益的辦理辦法。
JIT:Just in time。按時制。在精確測定出產各工藝環(huán)節(jié)作業(yè)功率的前提下安定單精確的方案,消除全部無效作業(yè)與兩費為方針的一種辦理模式。
資源束縛resource restrained
訂單分配order assignment/casting
保養(yǎng)keep/take good care of ones health/maintain
財政文員accounting assistant
關稅customs duty
1. 物品 article
2. 物流 logistics
3. 物流活動 logistics activity
4. 物流作業(yè) logistics operation
5. 物流模數 logistics modulus
6. 物流技能 logistics technology
7. 物流本錢 logistics cost
8. 物流辦理 logistics management
9. 物流中心 logistics center
10. 物流網絡 logistics network
11. 物流信息 logistics information
12. 物流企業(yè) logistics enterprise
13. 物流單證 logistics documents
14. 物流聯(lián)盟 logistics alliance
15. 供給物流 supply logistics
16. 出產物流 production logistics
17. 出售物流 distribution logistics
18. 收回物流 returned logistics
19. 廢棄物物流 waste material logistics
20. 綠色物流 environmental logistics
21. 企業(yè)物流 internal logistics
22. 社會物流 external logistics
23. 軍事物流 military logistics
24. 世界物流 international logistics
25. 第三方物流 third-part logistics (TPL)
26. 定制物流 customized logistics
27. 虛擬物流 virtual logistics
28. 增值物流服務 value-added logistics service
29. 供給鏈 supply chain
30. 條碼 bar code
31. 電子數據交流 electronic data interchange (EDI)
32. 有形耗費 tangible loss
33. 無形耗費 intangible loss 獎罰
1. 運送 transportation
2. 聯(lián)合運送 combined transport
3. 直達運送 through transport
4. 中轉運送 transfer transport
5. 甩掛運送 drop and pull transport
6. 集裝運送 containerized transport
7. 集裝箱運送 container transport
8. 門到門 door-to-door
9. 整箱貨 full container load (FCL)
10. 拼箱貨 less than container load (LCL
11. 貯存 storing
12. 保管 storage
13. 物品貯存 article reserves
14. 庫存 inventory
15. 常常庫存 cycle stock
16. 安全庫存 safety stick
17. 庫存周期 inventory cycle time
18. 前置期(或提前期) lead time
19. 訂購處理周期 order cycle time
20. 貨垛 goods stack
21. 堆碼 stacking
22. 轉移 handing/carrying
23. 裝卸 loading and unloading
24. 單元裝卸 unit loading and unloading
25. 包裝 package/packaging
26. 出售包裝 sales package
27. 定牌包裝 packing of nominated brand
28. 中性包裝 neutral packing
29. 運送包裝 transport package
30. 托盤包裝 palletizing
31. 集裝化 containerization
32. 散裝化 containerization
33. 直接換裝 cross docking
34. 配送 distribution
35. 一起配送 joint distribution
36. 配送中心 distribution center
37. 分揀 sorting
38. 揀選 order picking
39. 集貨 goods collection
40. 組配 assembly
41. 同宗同氣加工 distribution processing
42. 冷鏈 cold chain
43. 查驗 inspection 獎罰
1. 庫房 warehouse
2. 庫房 storehouse
3. 主動化庫房 automatic warehouse 4.
4立體庫房 stereoscopic warehouse
5. 虛擬庫房 virtual warehouse
6. 保稅庫房 boned warehouse
7. 出口監(jiān)管庫房 export supervised warehouse
8. 海關監(jiān)管貨品 cargo under customer’s supervision
9. 冷藏區(qū) chill space
10. 冷凍區(qū) freeze space
11. 控濕貯存區(qū) humidity controlled space
12. 溫度可控區(qū) temperature controlled space
13. 收貨區(qū) receiving space
14. 發(fā)貨區(qū) shipping space
15. 料棚 goods shed
16. 貨場 goods yard
17. 貨架 goods shelf
18. 托盤 pallet
19. *車 fork lift truck
20. 運送機 conveyor
21. 主動扶引車 automatic guided vehicle (AGV)
22. 箱式車 box car
23. 集裝箱 container
24. 換算箱 twenty-feet equivalent unit (TEU)
25. 特種貨品集裝箱 specific cargo container
26. 全集裝箱船 full container ship
27. 鐵路集裝箱場 railway container yard
28. 公路集裝箱中轉站 inland container depot
29. 集裝箱貨運站 container freight station (CFS)
30. 集裝箱碼頭 container terminal
31. 世界鐵路聯(lián)運 international through railway transport
32. 世界多式聯(lián)運 international multimodal transport
33. 大陸橋運送 land bridge transport
34. 班輪運送 liner transport
35. 租船運送 shipping by chartering
36. 船務署理 shipping agency
37. 世界貨運署理 international freight forwarding agent
38. 理貨 tally
39. 世界貨品運送保險 international transportation cargo insurance
40. 報關 customs declaration
41. 報關行 customs broker
42. 進出口商品查驗 commodity inspection 獎罰
1. 物流戰(zhàn)略 logistics strategy
2. 物流戰(zhàn)略辦理 logistics strategy management
3. 庫房辦理 warehouse management
4. 庫房布局 warehouse layout
5. 庫存操控 inventory control
6. 經濟訂購批量 economic order quantity (EOQ)
7. 定量訂購辦法 fixed-quantity system (FQS)
8. 定時訂購辦法 fixed-quantity system (FIS)
9. ABC分類辦理 ABC classification
10. 電子訂購跋涉 Electronic order system (EOS)
11. 按時制 just in time (JIT)
12. 按時制物流 just-in-time logistics
13. 零庫存技能 zero-inventory logistics
14. 物流本錢辦理 logistics cost control
15. 物料需求方案 material requirements planning (MRP)
16. 制作資源方案 manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) 17. 配送需求方案 distribution requirements planning (DRP) 18. 配送資源方案 distribution resource planning (DRP II)
19. 物流資源方案 logistics resource planning (LRP)
20. 企業(yè)資源方案 enterprise resource planning (ERP)
21. 供給鏈辦理 supply chain management (SCM)
22. 快速反映 Quick response (QR)
23. 有用客戶反映 efficient customer response(ECR)
24. 接連庫存彌補方案 continuous replenishment program (CRP)
25. 計算機付諸訂購跋涉 computer assisted ordering (CAO) 26. 供給商辦理庫存 vendor managed inventory (VMI)
27. 事務外包 outsourcing
物流中級英語(共145個) 基本概念術語 1. 物品 article 2. 物流 logistics 3. 物流活動 logistics activity 4. 物流作業(yè) logistics operation 5. 物流模數 logistics modulus 6. 物流技能 logistics technology 7. 物流本錢 logistics cost 8. 物流辦理 logistics management 9. 物流中心 logistics center 10. 物流網絡 logistics network 11. 物流信息 logistics information 12. 物流企業(yè) logistics enterprise 13. 物流單證 logistics documents 14. 物流聯(lián)盟 logistics alliance 15. 供給物流 supply logistics 16. 出產物流 production logistics 17. 出售物流 distribution logistics 18. 收回物流 returned logistics 19. 廢棄物物流 waste material logistics 20. 綠色物流 environmental logistics 21. 企業(yè)物流 internal logistics 22. 社會物流 external logistics 23. 軍事物流 military logistics 24. 世界物流 international logistics 25. 第三方物流 third-part logistics (TPL) 26. 定制物流 customized logistics 27. 虛擬物流 virtual logistics 28. 增值物流服務 value-added logistics service 29. 供給鏈 supply chain 30. 條碼 bar code 31. 電子數據交流 electronic data interchange (EDI) 32. 有形耗費 tangible loss 33. 無形耗費 intangible loss 獎罰 物流作業(yè)術語 1. 運送 transportation 2. 聯(lián)合運送 combined transport 3. 直達運送 through transport 4. 中轉運送 transfer transport 5. 甩掛運送 drop and pull transport 6. 集裝運送 containerized transport 7. 集裝箱運送 container transport 8. 門到門 door-to-door 9. 整箱貨 full container load (FCL) 10. 拼箱貨 less than container load (LCL 11. 貯存 storing 12. 保管 storage 13. 物品貯存 article reserves 14. 庫存 inventory 15. 常常庫存 cycle stock 16. 安全庫存 safety stick 17. 庫存周期 inventory cycle time 18. 前置期(或提前期) lead time 19. 訂購處理周期 order cycle time 20. 貨垛 goods stack 21. 堆碼 stacking 22. 轉移 handing/carrying 23. 裝卸 loading and unloading 24. 單元裝卸 unit loading and unloading 25. 包裝 package/packaging 26. 出售包裝 sales package 27. 定牌包裝 packing of nominated brand 28. 中性包裝 neutral packing 29. 運送包裝 transport package 30. 托盤包裝 palletizing 31. 集裝化 containerization 32. 散裝化 containerization 33. 直接換裝 cross docking 34. 配送 distribution 35. 一起配送 joint distribution 36. 配送中心 distribution center 37. 分揀 sorting 38. 揀選 order picking 39. 集貨 goods collection 40. 組配 assembly 41. 同宗同氣加工 distribution processing 42. 冷鏈 cold chain 43. 查驗 inspection 獎罰 物流技能裝備及設備術語 1. 庫房 warehouse 2. 庫房 storehouse 3. 主動化庫房 automatic warehouse 4. 4立體庫房 stereoscopic warehouse 5. 虛擬庫房 virtual warehouse 6. 保稅庫房 boned warehouse 7. 出口監(jiān)管庫房 export supervised warehouse 8. 海關監(jiān)管貨品 cargo under customer’s supervision 9. 冷藏區(qū) chill space 10. 冷凍區(qū) freeze space 11. 控濕貯存區(qū) humidity controlled space 12. 溫度可控區(qū) temperature controlled space 13. 收貨區(qū) receiving space 14. 發(fā)貨區(qū) shipping space 15. 料棚 goods shed 16. 貨場 goods yard 17. 貨架 goods shelf 18. 托盤 pallet 19. 叉車 fork lift truck 20. 運送機 conveyor 21. 主動扶引車 automatic guided vehicle (AGV) 22. 箱式車 box car 23. 集裝箱 container 24. 換算箱 twenty-feet equivalent unit (TEU) 25. 特種貨品集裝箱 specific cargo container 26. 全集裝箱船 full container ship 27. 鐵路集裝箱場 railway container yard 28. 公路集裝箱中轉站 inland container depot 29. 集裝箱貨運站 container freight station (CFS) 30. 集裝箱碼頭 container terminal 31. 世界鐵路聯(lián)運 international through railway transport 32. 世界多式聯(lián)運 international multimodal transport 33. 大陸橋運送 land bridge transport 34. 班輪運送 liner transport 35. 租船運送 shipping by chartering 36. 船務署理 shipping agency 37. 世界貨運署理 international freight forwarding agent 38. 理貨 tally 39. 世界貨品運送保險 international transportation cargo insurance 40. 報關 customs declaration 41. 報關行 customs broker 42. 進出口商品查驗 commodity inspection 獎罰 物流辦理術語 1. 物流戰(zhàn)略 logistics strategy 2. 物流戰(zhàn)略辦理 logistics strategy management 3. 庫房辦理 warehouse management 4. 庫房布局 warehouse layout 5. 庫存操控 inventory control 6. 經濟訂購批量 economic order quantity (EOQ) 7. 定量訂購辦法 fixed-quantity system (FQS) 8. 定時訂購辦法 fixed-quantity system (FIS) 9. ABC分類辦理 ABC classification 10. 電子訂購跋涉 Electronic order system (EOS) 11. 按時制 just in time (JIT) 12. 按時制物流 just-in-time logistics 13. 零庫存技能 zero-inventory logistics 14. 物流本錢辦理 logistics cost control 15. 物料需求方案 material requirements planning (MRP) 16. 制作資源方案 manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) 17. 配送需求方案 distribution requirements planning (DRP) 18. 配送資源方案 distribution resource planning (DRP II) 19. 物流資源方案 logistics resource planning (LRP) 20. 企業(yè)資源方案 enterprise resource planning (ERP) 21. 供給鏈辦理 supply chain management (SCM) 22. 快速反映 Quick response (QR) 23. 有用客戶反映 efficient customer response(ECR) 24. 接連庫存彌補方案 continuous replenishment program (CRP) 25. 計算機付諸訂購跋涉 computer assisted ordering (CAO) 26. 供給商辦理庫存 vendor managed inventory (VMI) 27. 事務外包 outsourcing
http://m.jintingqj.cn/wuliuwenda/141963.html 哪位有物流專業(yè)英語詞匯 要特完全的哦!!!