誰有”電子商務對物流及其辦理的影響”的論文啊?要摘要 中英文的!~~大神們幫幫忙
2022/10/26 16:38:17 來源:貨代軟件公司
內容摘要:電子商務的發展離不開現代物流,這是當今人們的一致.。可是,在電子商務如火如茶的今日,我國許多公司仍未解決物流問題,我國物流業的落后依然是電子商務開展的瓶頸。因而,本文的重點是在剖析電子商務與物流聯系的基礎上,論說我國物流企業應對電子商務的辦法及其電子商務物流體系的構建。 本文在介紹電子商務的概念,...
電子商務的發展離不開現代物流,這是當今人們的一致.。可是,在電子商務如火如茶的今日,我國許多公司仍未解決物流問題,我國物流業的落后依然是電子商務開展的瓶頸。因而,本文的重點是在剖析電子商務與物流聯系的基礎上,論說我國物流企業應對電子商務的辦法及其電子商務物流體系的構建。 本文在介紹電子商務的概念,開展前景、趨勢及其電子商務物流的特色的基礎上。闡明晰電子商務與物流的聯系;剖析了我國物流業現狀,我國物流業電子商務物流開展前景及趨勢;從而提出了我國物流企業應對電子商務的辦法,并結合鄭州物流總公司電子商務物流規劃體系,剖析了鄭州物流總公司物流管理信息體系規劃方針、物流管理信息體系功能模塊以及該體系的使用價值。 本文的研究效果將對我國物流企業電子商務物流體系的構建有必定的理論和實踐價值。 It is shared opinion in modern society that the development of electronic commerce doesn exist without modern logistics. By contrast to the booming electronic commerce activities of today, however, the problem of logistics remains unresolved in a considerable number of companies in our country and it has still remained a bottle-neck in the development of electronic commerce. Therefore, this paper, on the basis of the analysis of the relationship of E-C and logistics, focuses on the countermeasure against E-C on the part of the enterprises and the construction of the logistics system for E-C. This paper begins with the introduction of the concept, prospect and trend of E-C and the characteristics of its logistics. Based on this introduction, this paper clarifies the relationship of E-C and Logistics, analyzes the status quo of the Logistics industry in our country and the development prospect and trend of its E-C Logistics section. furthermore, this paper puts forward for logistics enterprises in our country the countermeasure against E-C, and analyzes the design objective, function module and application value of logistics information management system of Zhengzhou Logistics Parent Company. The results of this research paper is of both theoretical and practical value to the construction of E-C logistics system for logistics enterprises in our country.
http://m.jintingqj.cn/wuliuwenda/119227.html 誰有”電子商務對物流及其辦理的影響”的論文啊?要摘要 中英文的!~~大神們幫幫忙